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Hannah Scaglia, Registered Dietitian, Director of Wholesome Nutrition

I have worked as a Registered Dietitian for 15 years,

in a variety of settings – hospital, aged care, community

and private practice. I have worked in New Zealand,

Australia and the United Kingdom. This has given me a

rich experience learning about the nutrition of people

of many ages, stages of life and cultures.  


I worked as a Dietitian at Tauranga Hospital for 8 years,

including in a Clinical Lead role across medical and

surgical wards, and intensive care. I am particularly

interested in the area of nutrition and gastrointestinal



Nutrition Science is a relatively new, rapidly evolving science. We are constantly learning new information about the effect of food and nutrition on human health. As a Dietitian I know how to research, question and interpret this science. Its up to me to translate the science jargon into a language that you can understand and use to benefit your nutrition and health.


I understand that eating and drinking is not just about nutrition. It is a major part of socialising, showing that you care, community, religion, pleasure and culture. It’s important that I don’t just tell you what to eat. I’ll listen as you talk about what is important to you and we’ll make sure that the nutrition advice is going to suit you. Respecting your unique story while we understand your nutrition. 




University of Otago 2004-2009

Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics

Bachelor of Consumer and Applied Science


New Zealand Registered Dietitian

Current Annual Practising Certificate


Professional Associations

Member of Dietitians NZ

Member of Australian & Zealand Metabolic Obesity Surgery Society 



Tel: 022 353 0711

Tauranga, New Zealand

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